Edited & revised by James Schenken, 06/07/04
All information in this page and the following ones, are intended to help you keep your C-3 Brick camera in good running
order. Do not attempt to disassemble your camera if you do not have the manual
skill to do that. This information are given as is. The author takes no responsibility if the use by anybody of these pages causes any damage to your camera. I will try to be as exact as possible in describing the work operations, but keep
in mind that Its YOU who hold the screwdriver!
STEP 1 : Necessary tools
A good quality set of jewelers screwdrivers
Manual blower (to remove dust )
A set of precision pliers, tweezers.
Drop oiler (for lubricating small parts, shutters...) and oil cup
A glass cup with cover, you may use for clean big parts like shutters, buttons and all metal parts.
Compartment case for keeping separate the parts you remove (some 135 film containers do the same job ).
Some solvent (Ronsonol lighter fluid is fine) and brushes for cleaning metal parts, ear cleaning tips are so useful
for viewfinders, wiping paper, cotton, pieces of cloth, oil and grease, a few wooden toothpicks ( fine for cleaning pinions
), a Swiss knife may be helpful. A small amount of RODICO, the oil I use is the
ref :8030 from Moebius (its an oil for clocks that works perfectly on cameras parts )
You can find tools and supplies to : http://www.tmpco.com/
I never worked with them, but have a complete catalog of horologic tools, oils and others that are of great use in
camera repair.